We have developed some of the most popular productivity templates apps on the App Store, counting a total of over 40,000 different templates among them. The chances are that for anything you need done, you can find the perfect solution within the collection. The Smart Search added last year gave users a new way to look for and discover templates for their work by searching colors, objects, and many other parameters within the templates. This time we wanted to go further and make it easier for users to communicate their needs with us.
Being #1 on the App Store means we have to always keep an eye on trends and our users’ requests. Until now, the most popular ways to reach out to us were either via email, or social media, which meant that people responsible for these areas had to forward all correspondence to appropriate team members. We have started rolling out updates to our popular Toolbox apps and their standalone product packs, which enable the new Customer Center feature, which makes sure that your message gets right where you want it to be.
The Customer Center is a new way for you to reach out to us and make yourself heard. The Customer Center button found on the top right hand side of the app’s window, right by the Search Bar, allows you to quickly and conveniently get in touch with us. It includes four topics: “I Love this App”, “Request Template”, “Report a Problem”, and “Send me News”.
Click “I Love this App” and you will be taken to the App Store, where you can rate and review the app: if you like it, share your love with others, so fellow users can discover the products we have prepared for them. Ratings and reviews make sure that App Store users can discover great products easily, and avoid spending their time and money on mediocre ones, which is often true with other template products from unknown developers.
The “Request Template” option gives you an easy way to suggest content to us. With the plethora of items available currently, it is highly likely that you will find what you are looking for on all occasions, but every once in a while you might have a specific request, a specific industry or topic in mind, so we want you to be able to reach out and let us know about it. We’ll do our best to accommodate your requests to make sure our apps continue to lead the App Store in content quality and quantity, and customer satisfaction.
While we do our best to ensure a flawless experience with our apps, it is natural that issues sometimes also occur, so we are making it much easier to report problems with the app and make sure you get assistance in a timely manner. Click “Report a Problem” to be automatically taken to your email client with an email message prepared for you: all you need to do is describe your problem and click Send. We will get back to you as soon as possible!
Last, but not least, is the “Send me News” option. We often get questions from our users – where do they sign up for our newsletters. While there are options on our website and delivery page for legacy apps, you can now do that right from the app. Don’t worry, we never abuse this ability, so you should not expect more than a few emails from us per year.
We are very excited to roll out the Customer Center because we want to be closer to our users, so the next time you want to tell us something, the shortest way is via the button by the Search Bar!
Check out all of our great apps on the App Store.