It has been over a week since the brand new macOS Mojave became available for everyone. We were very excited about this release because it brings so many novelties to the Macs we use every day. It looks like our users were also eager to get their hands on Mojave, because in the first five days of its availability, over half of our use signed into our apps with macOS Mojave. This adoption rate is one of the quickest we’ve seen across our user base.
Here at Jumsoft, we are no strangers to design, so we have eagerly anticipated Mojave‘s new Dark Mode and worked hard to implement it into all of our products as well. Money looks absolutely gorgeous in black: we have completely redesigned Money‘s UI elements for the Dark Mode, and used this opportunity to launch custom-colored tags as well. Every letter, every amount, every chart really pops out. Don‘t get us wrong, Money looks amazing in Light Mode, but seeing it in Dark Mode is truly something!
We have also revamped the UI for our creative products, namely the Toolbox apps. The Dark background around the templates really lets you focus on the content because the colors and details of every item stand out like never before. This is especially lovely, if you’re an owl and are most active at night – the dark mode is much easier on the eyes!
While the Dark Mode is the most noticeable improvement, we have made tons of under-the-hood improvements that not only ensure the apps are flawlessly compatible with macOS Mojave, but are much faster or more efficient than ever before on older devices with older versions of macOS!