If you use one or more of our Toolbox apps, you must have already discovered that positive things may have tiny little pesky drawbacks. Like when you have access to thousands of awesome templates and illustrations, but the more content there is, the trickier it gets to find exactly want you want. Fret not, we’re on it! Allow us to introduce a brand new tag-based search feature that makes everything so much smoother and easier.
From now on, the Toolbox search will suggest suitable tags as you type in the Search field, helping you to narrow down the list of items. The usual way of searching by the item name will also work. The new search is available in Toolboxes for Pages, Keynote, iWork, MS Office, and the iOS versions, as well as the standalone template apps.
In addition, we’ve redesigned the home screen of the Toolbox apps to showcase your purchased and favorite designs. You will also get an instant glimpse of which items have been recently added and which are the most popular among all users. Plus, the apps are now fully compatible with the new OS X Sierra.
All Toolbox apps are available for download on the Mac App Store and iTunes App Store.